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Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Ancient Artifacts Associated With The Alien

Ancient artifacts are crocheted associate with the presence of aliens on earth still doubtful , many ancient artifacts that make people skeptical of it , surprisingly artifacts found will be made to think twice deny the existence of aliens . Adding details and Alien UFO Story In Ancient Artifacts And earlier , we are now posting other ancient artifacts that we get from several sources .
Ancient aircraft

Inca and the other pre -Columbian trinkets left some very confusing . Some very strange that so-called Ancient Aeroplanes , made ​​of gold which is very similar to modern jet aircraft . Originally considered zoomorphic ( animal form ) but the statues were found to have features that look very similar wing fighter like having a tail stabilizer and even landing gear and very aerodynamic .
People believed these objects were made by the ( alleged ) ancient astronauts and they make this aircraft is equipped with a propeller and ( allegedly ) a jet engine , they fly perfectly . All this has led to speculation that the Incas may have been in contact with ( the possibility of extraterrestrials ) or people who are able to make sophisticated jet aircraft , which may even have its own technology . Or this beautiful statue is probably just an artistic picture of a bee , fly fishing , or other winged creatures .
Ubaid Lizard Man

Arkiolog Al Ubaid site in Iraq is a gold mine for archaeologists and historians . This site has produced a variety of objects from the pre - Sumerian time called the Ubaid period (5900-4000 BC ) . However , some of the objects found quite disturbing .
A number of sculptures from the Ubaid period depict odd , the lizard . Such a unique humanoid figures . Style without ceremony seems to indicate that they are not gods ( such as animal -headed Egyptian god ) , but the race of lizard people .
This sculpture has been used as illustration in the story and the theory of alien reptiles that used to roam the earth ( and probably still do , according to conspiracy theorists ) . While this seems unlikely , however, their true nature remains a mystery .
Russian UFO Wheel Teeth

A Russian man find a strange machine parts from Vladivostok , the capital of the administrative region of Primorsky Krai . The object resembles a piece of gear and embedded in a piece of coal that he used to light the fire . The man became curious and showed his findings to some scientists . Tests showed that the object was made ​​of aluminum toothed pure .
After investigation, the object was 300 million years old . This raises some interesting questions , because aluminum can not form naturally and can make a new man in 1825 . Surprisingly , these objects also resemble the parts that are used in microscopes and other complex technical device .
Despite the conspiracy theories have stated that the object is part of the alien spacecraft , scientists are not willing to jump to conclusions and want to run more tests to learn more about the mysterious artifact .
Williams Enigmalith

In 1998 , a hiker named John J.
Williams saw a strange metal protrusion on the ground . He dug it up and found a rock that looked aneh.Setelah clean it , it turns out that the stone has a strange electrical components attached to it , such as a wall outlet .
The stone is a mystery famous among UFO enthusiasts . This stone has appeared in the magazine Fortean Times UFO Magazine and a well-known magazine devoted to the mysterious phenomenon . Williams , an electrical engineer , said electronic components are embedded in a rock that was not glued or welded to the granite . In fact , the stone may form around the device .
Many believe that the stone is a hoax Enigmalith Williams , Williams also refused to solve it ( but willing to sell it for $ 500,000 ) . The stone is also similar to a hot stone is normally used to keep a pet in a tropical lizard cage . However , geological analysis seems to have established that the stone was about 100,000 years old , which ( if true ) would mean the inside of the device may not be a human creation .
Statue Stone Head of Guatemala

In 1930 , explorers discovered a large stone statues are made amid the forest . The face on the statue does not resemble the face of the Maya or other tribes that inhabit the area . In fact , elongated skull and delicate features seem to not enter the history books altogether .
Researchers have claimed that the unique features of the statue depicts a member of an ancient alien civilization far more advanced than pre - Hispanic racial America we know . Some even speculated that this may be part of the head of a much larger construction underneath ( this is found only his head ) .
Of course , it is likely that the statue may be the work of a modern artist or just a hoax . But unfortunately , we probably will never know for sure because the head of the statue are used for target shooting practice by the revolutionary forces and its features have been destroyed approaching obscurity .

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